PowToon is an online service that allow you to create animated video for your website with ease! They have the drag and drop features that is wonderful which make it pretty easy to use and they offer you to use it for free!!! C'mon who does not like free stuff ☺ However, I think I have found the downside of the free version is we have to use their watermark on our video and if you decide to pay, you will get to access more of their animations and music. Well, that is somewhat not a big deal for us because we just want to use PowToon for our studies purpose. Oh! Another thing I like about this PowToon is I can edit my video from the scratch if I don't want to use any of their template provided. It requires you to learn new skills as well.
Alright you can read more on step by step to use PowToon by clicking a photo below. If you wish to see more powerful and beautiful animated, presentable and inspiring videos you can discover them on YouTube. Hopefully you will find a good time editing PowToon video, just like me and I will share with you my PowToon on my next post (perhaps) Bye friends!