Rise and shine readers! May today will be a good day for you to start planning and doing on productive things to do. As for now,I just finished reading Mitch Albom's novel. If Sparks can prove that love is more powerful than death, Albom managed to take you to different dimension between life and death. I bought Mitch Albom's on the Big Bad Wolf about four years ago and his first write up that I read was For One More Day and guess what, he touched my heart even more, even I already read it about five times. 

At first glance, I thought this class will be the same as the Computer Application class during my semester 1, which is more about the hardware of the computer, software application and the uses of internet in class learning. But, it is mainly a different things.  I will swim in depth in the ocean of technologies - get to know more how actually internet has helped us in creating a new atmosphere of learning, instead of dull website with only boring thousands words in it. I could not wait to learn the SmartBuilder software and also Powtoon because I never had any experience in using those tools. You must be interested to know what SmartBuilder is, right? It is a platform of e-learning that met all requirements as it work better, smarter and faster to use in teaching and learning process for teachers and students. It is 'quite' easy to use as it fosters our creativity instead of hampering it. I think I will able to do it in so much fun since I can learn more on the rich-media and powerful branching scenarios provided. 

Quiz 1 - 20 marks
Blog - 20 marks
Podcast - 10 marks
Educational video - 20 marks
E-learning Courseware - 30 marks 

This week is my first class of Internet Technology for Language Learning. In this class, all of us were given a brief learning outcome we will received through this class. Madam gave us information on the introduction of this subject. Basically, it is more on the use of internet as well as other technologies as the tool for the language learning, especially English. We also will get to discover on various computer software and its application that will be used in and out of the class. Besides, we also will received the basic of designing applications for the purpose of language learning. 

However, before I start will all the assessment given my madam, I need to create a blog as our reflection journal based on what we have gain through out this class begin from the first week until the thirteenth week. Yes, that means my fellow readers will read 13 ridiculously-exciting (read: more facts, more awesomeness) post or more in this blog! I remembered I started to have to my own Blogspot when I was in high school at the age of thirteen and here again, I am started to write blog again but this time, with extra information on studies. Hopefully everything goes well! Till then, goodbye! xx

Hello Aquarius!

Thank you for this 'fabulous' birthday surprise, best friends ♡

Time is running faster. It's almost end of January already. But, what day is today? It is January, 29th my birthday! Yes, as I post this first entry I believed that I have finally grow "younger" hihi! So, let me share you few things about myself before you go further reading my entries. 

My name is Khairun Niesa Bt Anuar, usually friends called me by the name Niesa. During my entire lifetime, I do have several nicknames given by other people but they still prefer to call my real name.Therefore, to be called other than my name is so uncommon and unparalleled to my universe since then.

I am twenty-four years old. Well,maybe not officially that adult yet but it doesn't matter at all.I hope this 2018 year going to end up just like my past years,which I thought most awesome years. I was born in Hospital Kuala Lumpur and I am the eldest among three siblings. Talking about hobby? I'm not sure whether I have one or not because basically I love to do everything that gives me the benefits.

However, volunteering is always be my passion. I always looked up for any programme or upcoming events that needs volunteer. I think most every month, at least I gives some me time for me to do the volunteering work. I don't mind not getting paid because it is a rewarding hobby! Doing volunteer work I find it so meaningful and interesting as it can be a relaxing, energizing escape from myself from day-to-day routine of college life. It able to renewed creativity and motivation that can carry over into my personal (and future professional life).

Alright,  last but not least what do I expect from ESP6013 class is I hope what I will learned from Madam Azidatunnoor gives me new output about these technology era we are currently living in.This is a century of scientific inquiry and technological innovation. It filled our lives with new gadgets and new understanding. More profoundly,  I hope I can contribute to the community or children about the importance of the internet technology in order to use as a tool of language learning. Thank you! xx